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The History of Nancy Drew
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Episode 5- Will the Real Carolyn Keene Please Stand Up?
An overview of how Edward Stratemeyer, Mildred Wirt Benson, and Harriet Stratemeyer Adams contributed to the creation and enduring legacy of Nancy Drew.
Episode 30- The History of HeR
A detailed look at how Her Interactive was founded, how they created the Nancy Drew PC Games, and how they would eventually cause a new generation to fall in love with our girl sleuth. We also touch on all the drama surrounding the release of game #33, Midnight in Salem.
Episode 55- The History of Nancy Drew Adaptations
A chronicle of every Nancy Drew movie and TV show and the actresses who've portrayed her. This episode includes behind-the-scenes facts about each adaptation and projects that were cancelled before they could be released.
Episode 80 Part 2- The History of Nancy Drew Illustrators
A video essay about the first four artists to bring Nancy to life: Russell Tandy, Bill Gillies, Rudy Nappi, and Ruth Sanderson. This episode also covers each illustrator's inspiration for Nancy and theories about covers for which the artist is unknown.
Episode 105- The History of the Drew Crew
A description of the backgrounds, personalities, and portrayals of each of Nancy's friends and family members. Also includes details about crossovers with other Stratemeyer Syndicate characters, such as The Hardy Boys.
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